Sabtu, 16 April 2011



Selly : morning

Deva : Morning, may i help you?

Selly : sure, i come here want to borrow the bangle’s album. Its nice song for i heard. Can i have get it?

Deva : oh yes, you can take it in my room

Selly : where you drop the album, deva? There is no here. Come here to help me search it!

Deva : open the cupboard behind you! There are many kind album,you can search and take the album in there

Selly : ok, i got the album.

Deva : remember don’t risk the album!

Selly : of couse, i love this the album album very much. Thanks you for the album

Deva : with pleasure

Explanation :

1. Pada baris ke-2 dan ke-3 terdapat kalimat Request atau permintaan, ditunjukkan dengan kalimat “may i…” dan “Can i..” yang merupakan request with can/could, might I/we +Have…

2. Sedangkan dibaris ke-6, ke-8, dan ke-11 terdapat kalimat Command atau perintah, karena jelas terdapat kata-kata perintah seperti, “Come here..”, “open the cupboard …”, “don’t risk..”
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